HSR registration

On this page, you can register as an HSR or Deputy HSR to access exclusive content and resources. The registration is a 2-step process.

Terms of registration

You must be a currently elected HSR or Deputy HSR in Western Australia. To register please provide:

  • First and last name
  • Email address
  • Work group
  • Company name
  • Date of election

Important notes:

  • Your account will be valid only while you hold the role.
  • Please inform us if you leave the role prior to your election term so we can delete your account.
  • We adhere to a strict privacy and data collection policy to protect your information.
  • You must review and accept our privacy policy and collection notice before registering.

Registration: Step 1

Are you an elected HSR?

Log in below or Register here.

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Are you an elected HSR?

Log in below or Register here.